Happy Halloween Quotes
However, this year it seems that people are looking for something a little 'more - really boring. People want Halloween quotes and jokes, probably because they are thorowing part. So without further ado, here are some quotes from Halloween to help make your Halloween party more.
Eye of newt, and bottom of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder's fork, worms, and stinging eyes, leg lizard and Owlet's wing for a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell broth boil and bubble . - William Shakespeare
There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls. - George Carlin
"From Ghoulies and Ghosties and long-term leggedy bugs and things that go Bump in the Night, Lord, deliver us - Scottish Saying
Furthering the raisins and nuts-Tonight All-Hallows Specter Struts' On the path of the moon. - John Kendrick Bangs